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Home / Medicine / Thrombophlebitis: 11 tested folk recipes

Thrombophlebitis: 11 tested folk recipes

Тромбофлебит: 11 проверенных народных рецептовCommonly called thrombophlebitis inflammation and thrombosis of superficial, subcutaneous veins.

Thrombophlebitis – vascular disease caused by inflammation of the venous wall and thrombus formation, clogging its lumen.

The basis of this disease is weakness of the walls of venous vessels. This is especially true in the lower extremities and increase venous pressure, which occurs during prolonged standing work, pregnancy, when carrying heavy loads. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Thinning of the walls of the venous vessels occurs from a lack in the supply of vitamins P, C, A, E, many minerals – calcium, magnesium, potassium, and blood viscosity. Stretching of the veins leads to the formation of varicose loops, knots, which are easily “stagnant” blood and ruptures of blood vessels, especially venous capillaries. These invisible tears “stopouts” thrombi. Vascular permeability is disrupted malnutrition.

Thinning of the walls contributes to the penetration of bacteria into the vessels, even the ordinary touches or strikes. Frequent formation of a thrombus causes thrombosis, which develops gradually in his youth, and if not to accept measures, it will progress at an older age will go into irreversible forms.

Worsening of outflow of blood, its circulation increases venous pressure and simultaneously disrupts the movement of all fluids, including lymph. This leads to swelling and deterioration of the blood supply of the skin.

First, there is itching of the skin, by scratching the skin is damaged and becomes infected. Appear trophic, poorly healing ulcers.

Proper diet, composed of 75% fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, and propulsion mode – walking for 3 km a day help to eliminate all the risk factors of blood clots, says the author of a popular system of healing Maya gogulan in the book “Best recipes of the Maya gogulan. Health and 20 and 70 years old!”.

Sores well treated honey cakes, rubbing oil with vitamins a and E, and Apple cider vinegar.

The weakening of circulation of blood (circulation) leads to the fact that the body is unable to remove from the kidneys and skin, lungs and liver, as well as from all cells in the organism toxic substances, and therefore they accumulate in the blood, and then circulate along with her shock and harm all the cells. To protect cells from poisoning, healing powers of the body reflexively constrict blood vessels, as a result of this increased pressure slows the blood flow, clots.

Thrombophlebitis can work well traditional medicines.

Recipe 1
Infusion from leaves and bark of hazelnut: 1 tbsp. l. minced raw material to 1 Cup of boiling water. It is recommended to drink ¼ Cup 3-4 times daily before meals with varicose veins, phlebitis and periflebit, trophic ulcers Shin and capillary hemorrhages.

Recipe 2
Tincture: 50 g of flowers or fruits of chestnut in 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 2 weeks in a warm dark place, shaking daily. Make a tincture 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Recipe 3
For the treatment of varicose veins, including hemorrhoids, in folk medicine, in addition to tinctures sometimes use fresh juice of the flowers of the chestnut 25 drops 2-3 times a day.

Preparations of horse chestnut reduce blood clotting, strengthens the walls of capillaries and veins, prevent blood clots in blood vessels and contribute to the resorption of formed blood clots (thrombi gradually softened).

Hot infusion and extract of horse chestnut are one of the most good onotonicity funds.

Recipe 4
Bath of cudweed or total foot before sleeping.

Recipe 5
RUB the skin of the feet the infused vodka from the fresh leaves of Kalanchoe.

Recipe 6
Collection: yarrow (grass) – 50 g; immortelle (flowers) – 20 g; cowberry (leaves) – 100 g; buckthorn (bark) – 100 g, birch (leaves) – 100 g

1 full tbsp of chopped mixture to make 300 g of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. To insist in a warm place for 4 hours to Take when phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.

Recipe 7
Cut into slices and applied to the expanded veins. Every 3-4 hours to replace the slices of fresh.

Recipe 8
For pain in the legs in people with varicose veins, apply warm foot baths (to a knee) from a decoction of the bark of the willow or willow and oak bark (duration 30 minutes). After the bath, put on legs, elastic stockings and rest.

Recipe 9
Plucked leaves and flower heads of silvery wormwood carefully grind in a mortar. 1 tbsp the resulting mass to connect with the same amount of sour milk, stir well and apply an even layer on the gauze, which is then imposed on the areas with dilated veins. Treatment to continue for 3-4 days. In a few days again. To wash off the poultice with Apple cider vinegar.

The same can be done with the fern.

Recipe 10
Knead 1 tsp of honey with flour. The received dough roll out on gauze. The second piece of gauze to cover. The resulting mass is placed in gauze, apply to the leg and cover compress paper.

Wrap and go to bed. In the morning the bandage can be removed until the evening and wash the feet of undiluted Apple cider vinegar. The bandage can not be removed 3-5 days. Treatment – 1.5–2 months and longer. You can do temporary interruptions.

Recipe 11
Hop cones brew from the calculation of 1-2 tablespoons (depending on the patient’s condition) to 1 Cup of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, strain. Dose drink in 2-3 hours throughout the day, in the evening, as hops has calming, relaxing, soothing and even hypnotic effect.

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