Named the healing properties of garlic.
Today everyone is talking about wild garlic, as the miraculous cure for all diseases.
We figured out, is it really as good as it is said.
Wild garlic is also called wild onion, or garlic. Indeed, in use it is not inferior to these products, but has other good qualities.
Garlic speeds up the metabolism, having a minimum calorific value. It’s the perfect greens for a diet of salad, just 30 grams of garlic will help to lose weight much faster.
The plant awakens better than bad coffee, without causing addiction and without having a negative impact on the body.
Just add wild garlic to the dish for Breakfast, or make it into a broth (because the strong smell is not recommended, if you have someone to chat with) and a good start into the day is provided.
Normalization of pressure
Garlic improves cardiovascular system and reduces high blood pressure to normal values.
At low pressure and anemia pressure too normalizerbase, due to the bracing effect of garlic.
The reduction of cholesterol
The harmful fat that settles on the walls of blood vessels and creates a danger to life is called cholesterol plaques.
Garlic helps nasasyvat the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and withdraw it in a natural way is the best prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Improved digestion
Wild garlic has a positive effect on digestion: promotes secretion of gastric juice, so the stomach begins to work faster.
The plant copes with the weight, flatulence and other digestive problems.
Strengthening the immune system
The plant is the leader among food immunocomplexes content of vitamin C. Just a few leaves of garlic in daily diet will help to forget about illnesses and colds.
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