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These vitamins make the skin young and elastic

Эти витамины делают кожу молодой и упругойThe most important vitamins for skin beauty.

If vitamin “rations” used inside is not reflected on the exterior properly, then it’s time to apply the vitamins and even outside. Which of them particularly need the skin?

All 13 vitamins known to science, have a beneficial effect on the skin. The majority of vitamins has his own specialty, but some of them need absolutely any skin type, useful at any age and in most cosmetic problems.

It’s a lot or a little?

Among these “universals” — vitamins-antioxidants A, C, and E. Because two of them are fat-soluble, consume them inside carefully to avoid overdose. Outdoor use is much safer. Besides the “overeat” vitamins from a regular store creams to the skin is not threatened, but “underfed” — easily. Because most conventional cosmetics contain active ingredients just a little bit. How to find the best remedy?

First, focusing on price (good vitamin cream may not cost less than 500 rubles, and usually costs a lot more expensive), and secondly, on the recommendation of a beautician. Professional cosmetics, of course, contains more active ingredients. But its application requires a special approach — unskilled use creams with high concentration of vitamins can cause peeling, irritation, allergic reaction.

And now specifically about each vitamin.

Vitamin a (retinol)

In case of its deficiency, the skin dries faster, her wrinkles, brown spots, slowed cell renewal process of the epidermis, because of which a person acquires an earthy hue, and even covered with pimples. Add in the cream is vitamin A tablets helps to remove dead skin flakes and makes the skin soft, clean, elastic and young, and the complexion — perfect. In addition, this component is able to increase the number of fibroblasts, which stimulate the production of collagen and elastin — the “construction” of proteins of the skin. And the good vitamin A regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, so it is good for oily and problem skin. In comparison with other vitamins, retinol is better absorbed by the skin — due to its low molecular weight it is easier to pass through the protective stratum corneum.

You can buy creams with vitamin a (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate), and can be separately applied to the skin oily solution of vitamin A. The strong ingredient is pure retinoic acid. But to put her on the unprepared skin is dangerous — can cause severe irritation. Better to start with simpler or creams with vitamin A in oil.

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

No wonder it is called the vitamin of youth. It strengthens the hydro-lipid mantle of the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and UV exposure, irritation of the skin, regenerates and renews the cells, smoothes wrinkles, protects from the destruction of the antioxidant vitamins A and C, thereby preventing premature aging of cells. Acne, scars, stretch marks, age spots with these issues by using vitamin E to deal will be easier. Just add a few drops of 5-10% of pharmacy the oil extract of this vitamin in nourishing cream for evening care. Or apply it with a swab by massaging the area and bags under the eyes. Just do not overdo it, to avoid allergies. By the way, it is proved that the effectiveness of tocopherol is higher if he is paired with retinol.

A more concentrated (20%) of an oil solution of tocopherol in gelatin capsules suitable only for “spot” application on age spots and small scars. If a large amount to use it is dangerous — you can cause irritation and allergies.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Ascorbic acid tones the circulatory system vessels, making their walls more dense. And it also helps to produce collagen — the structural protein that makes up skin. One problem: vitamin C is a very unstable compound, is quickly destroyed on exposure to air. Therefore, applied to the skin pure vitamin C ampoules — a futile exercise. But the serums and creams used stable form of L‑ascorbic acid or ascorbyl magnesium phosphate, more stable in the environment. However, such creams and serums are not cheap (from 1500 RUB.). Funds with sodium ascorbate or ascorbyl palmitate is much cheaper, but really, they should not expect miracles.

How to apply vitamins in capsules

They are not suitable for regular care and to address specific aesthetic issues.
Any vitamin is applied only on clean skin.
In order to avoid allergies, you need to conduct sensitivity test: apply a small amount of the vitamin to the inside of the elbow, and after 20 minutes, inspect for redness, itching.
To increase the dose means you can gradually.
The course duration is 10-20 days depending on the specific problem.

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