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These tweaks will be useful to all those who like to cook. Photo

Эти хитрости пригодятся всем любителям готовить. ФотоVery useful cooking life hacks.

Cooking is a real science, even if someone thinks differently. It would seem that the most simple foods depend on the chemical reactions and can get different tastes depending on how the was prepared. The survey collected tips and life hacks that will make cooking easier and the food much tastier.

1. Oil for the dough

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Before you add oil in the dough, its worth it to melt. In this case, the finished product will not be as crumbly.

Melted butter releases water, which is mixed with the flour proteins to form gluten – the substance which makes bread and biscuits more malleable. To get a crunchy cookie, you need to do the opposite, immediately stir the butter into the flour, not letting it melt.

2. How not to cry from onions

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When cutting onions, the contact with air leads to chemical reactions which produced propanthial S-oxide. This stuff evaporates immediately and it makes you cry when cutting onions. To slow the evaporation of propanthial S-oxide, you need to put onions in the fridge for a few minutes before it cut (completely freeze bow is impossible, because it becomes soft).

3. A pinch of salt in coffee

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If the morning is too bitter coffee, not worth it to pour, you just need to add a bit of salt. Salt enhances flavours by suppressing the more unpleasant – so it will drown out the bitterness in coffee.

4. Soda and tomato sauce

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Unlike added sugar, which just makes the sauce taste less acidic, add baking soda actually neutralizes acid, which is found in tomatoes. Those who are sensitive to the acidity of the products will feel a huge difference.

5. Crisp

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You need to put the pan in the lower part of the furnace while it is heated, and then when in the oven put the bread, you need to pour it in a pan with a little water to create steam. The steam interacts with the starch on the surface of the bread and helps it to harden.

6.The aroma of spices

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Is to fry the spices in oil at a high temperature for a maximum of two minutes. This will cause them to be much more fragrant.

7. The Maillard Reaction

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The Maillard reaction – the process that occurs between amino acids and sugar, usually when heated. In the process, create hundreds of new fragrances. Each food has its own unique set of aromatic compounds created during the Maillard reaction.

8. To cook or not to cook

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Vegan diet raw food is very popular recently. Vegans claim that the products contain more nutrients in their raw condition and, consequently, they are better for people. However, only that food contains nutrients does not mean that the body can use them. Many of the beneficial nutrients in the vegetables be more easily digested when cooked.

9. Brine for meat

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Brine – very salty water, which often add herbs or spices. It soaked the raw meat in for half an hour a few days before cooking. Any meat that can dry out during cooking – poultry, pork, certain seafood – can be soaked in brine. Salt in water dissolves some of the proteins, and also causes muscle fibers in the meat to absorb more moisture.

10. Rules of storage of apples and avocado

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You need to sprinkle freshly cut avocados or apples with lemon juice and store them in an airtight container. This will prevent the fruits from darkening during the day or so. The fruit turns brown because of oxygen interacting with its enzymes, but when the injection lemon juice, the oxygen in the first place will interact with the acid.

11. The right cake decoration

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One of the secrets of professional bakers – they freeze the cakes, wrapped tightly in plastic, before you decorate them. This is true for several reasons. First, frozen cakes less crumbly and easier to decorate. Second, some argue that after thawing, they taste better.

12. Oil for scrambled eggs

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Most people make scrambled eggs with milk. Science claims that the lipids in human milk “envelop” the proteins in eggs help maintain the moisture during cooking. However, if you need more dry omelette, it is better instead of milk add a few small (possibly shredded) pieces of frozen butter.

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