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These products suggest there are those who want not only lose weight but also look younger

Эти продукты советуют есть тем, кто хочет не только похудеть, но и помолодетьNutritionists suggested what foods to enrich your diet in order to maintain the shape and to preserve youthfulness.

It turns out that some foods not only has a beneficial effect on the digestion and accelerate the metabolism, but also contribute to the regeneration of cells and tissues that allows a person to look younger, despite real age.

British scientists from research University “Warwick” detected the presence of specific substances in some products which have such properties as improved digestion and rejuvenation of the body. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Scientists have revealed the fact that certain products is, in addition to a variety of substances amino acids arginine and lysine, and they are getting into the digestive tract to signal the brain cells about the saturation. That is, the person is already 20 minutes after the use of these products will feel full satiety and hunger will contact him soon.

Plus, a set of trace elements in these products takes care of regeneration of internal organs and systems, due to which the person postpones his old age.

To lose weight and rejuvenate at the same time to lean on the following products:

– chicken, Turkey, pork (shoulder blade);

– mackerel, tuna, anchovies, crabs;

– hard cheeses;

– walnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, sesame and other nuts.

These products can include in the daily diet, even if you don’t need to lose weight. With their help, you will be able to maintain normal weight and to withstand premature aging.

By the way, some of the above useful for the shape and appearance of products Ukrainians consume daily. Ukrainochka is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, perhaps in the merit of the just, regular use of these products.

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