If you want to overcome negative emotions – these foods should be avoided.
Nutritionists around the world have long advised – if You want to get rid of anger, improve your mood and chase away the sadness, then the first step that You should do is to eat.
Eating in General stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones of happiness. However, not all food really lift our spirits. Some are neutral, while others can lift your mood only for a short period of time, after which the person at risk to take in an even worse condition than he was before. American scientists decided to compile a list of seven products that can spoil the mood of the person.
1. Chips
They contain some very harmful acid and the carcinogen acrylamide. These substances have on our body very negative impact – they block the endorphins. The human brain required a constant flow, and once it is broken, for whatever reasons, the decline in sentiment is guaranteed.
2. Ham
Industrially produced ham contains large amounts of sugar, salt, fillers, preservatives and nitrates, which by themselves can cause a bad mood, acting on the human digestive system.
3. Sweet soft drinks
A surge in blood sugar after eating foods subsequently ends its sharp fall, which entails a fall in sentiment. Sweet soft drinks are traditionally considered to be one of potentially likely factors in the development of depression.
4. Margarine
Surprisingly, it actually contains industrial fatty acids omega-6 and despite the fact that scientists have long dispute about this product and what do you think about benefit or harm, a number of tests have confirmed that it can really affect the mood.
5. Processed pumpkin seeds
Contain potassium bromate, which blocks the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. Also considered by doctors as one of the most powerful products, has the potential to ruin a person’s mood. However, pumpkin seeds are typically only worsen the mood in the short term.
6. Bagels
With the caveat – when You start with them. Generally consumed at Breakfast lion’s dose of carbohydrates is not recommended, because the body fully wakes up much later than the brain and digestive system need more time to digest all this abundance of carbohydrates. The result is production of hormones mood will be disturbed.
7. Peanuts
You think that the nuts can’t be anything harmful? You are wrong – salted peanuts on store shelves contains monosodium glutamate, and a huge number of supplements of unknown origin, who had penetrated into it during processing. Surprisingly, this product is also capable of negatively affect mood.
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