Do not self-medicate.
Currently, many patients experience health problems after taking the herbs, supplements and vitamins as people, believing these means to be “harmless”, accept them with less care than drugs.
It is assumed that herbs are not dangerous, because they are natural resources, but in fact for them there are strict dosing and application rules, the violation of which can lead to problems.
Herbs are not “bad” or “good” treatment, it all depends on how to use them — some people take too large quantities of herbal medicinal preparations or vitamins, believing that if one drug is good, then twenty-fold dose — even better.
Some herbs and supplements are often included in dietary SUPPLEMENTS, can be dangerous at wrong reception: because of the excess dose, in combination with certain medications or before surgery.
St. John’s wort, commonly used to relieve depression, is always at the top of the list of potentially dangerous drugs herbal medicine as it can cause serious side effects and to enhance or weaken the effect of many drugs. Receiving St. John’s wort is recommended to avoid individuals who are assigned to antidepressants, anticoagulants, some asthma medications, immunosuppressants and steroid hormones.
Kava is often used as a sedative sedative, but the use of this plant often leads to problems with the liver even if taken for a short time. Potentially dangerous in combination with drugs to lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
Fish oil. Despite the fact that it is completely safe a substance taken to increase the intake of “good fat”, there have been cases of bleeding when taking fish oil in high doses, since polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to prolong the clotting time of blood, reduces its viscosity and reduce platelet aggregation. Such phenomena do not pose a threat to life, but sometimes there are people who have when taking high doses of fish oil arise, for example, prolonged bleeding after the insertion of needles for acupuncture. Should not take more than 5,000 mg (5 grams) fish oil (at recommended daily dose for an adult 650-1000 mg).
Taking herbal products before surgery
Dr. David Rowe (David Rowe), a plastic surgeon, operated on the patient when she noticed unusual bleeding. Fabric just oozing, and we couldn’t understand what it is. It should be noted that upon questioning, the patient reported not taking any supplements. After the surgery I asked the patient: “are you sure You didn’t take?, and he said, “Oh yeah, I took this, this and this.”
In an article published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Rowe leads a dozen herbs, intake should be avoided two weeks before surgery, including the most common, widespread plant-based remedies, such as garlic, ginseng and Echinacea. Some of these herbs increase bleeding, some adverse act on the heart.
Should be mandatory to inform the surgeon what natural medicines you are taking. Studies have shown that 60-70% of patients lie to their doctors about taking dietary supplements.
A careful study of the instructions for use of dietary supplements is a prerequisite for their admission. Supplements can contain 10-15 or more components, in most cases the patient does not know or does not remember what specific herbal medicines he receives them and is very nervous of doctors.
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