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These diet drinks prevent weight

Эти диетические напитки мешают похудетьFrom skim milk and diet soda to healthy fruit juices.

Experts in the field of nutrition called drinks, which in any case can not be used to people trying to lose weight.

The diet soft drinks. Their very name implies health benefits and low calories, but drinking these drinks does more harm than good. Scientists emphasize that different kinds of diet soda causes acute feeling of hunger after eating it, what drives people to overeat.

Juices. Fruit and other juices, are chock-full of sugar. In a glass of grape juice contains 9 teaspoons of sugar and a glass of orange – 6. As much as 7 spoonfuls of sugar are there in a glass of Apple juice. All this leads to a spike in blood sugar levels, and when this figure drops, he played a sharp hunger that pushes him to eat large quantities of fatty and sugary foods. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

Coffee. Some coffees like mocha, in the manufacture of which used skim milk contains 220 calories. If you want to lose weight, drink black coffee with minimal milk and without sugar and cream.

Skim milk. Over time, the consumption of this drink can lead to weight gain. Studies show that users skim milk or a dairy drink with 1% fat better more than those who drink normal fat milk.

Iced tea. Like fruit juice iced tea Packed with sugar. In addition, one small bottle of iced tea may contain up to 116 calories. Better prepare a cold tea by yourself without adding sugar there.

Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages, especially beer and wine also contain a lot of calories. The average beer is about 150 calories, it is also advisable to avoid fruit cocktails, which are filled with sugar.

Smoothies. At home making smoothies be careful. Too large portions, rich in fresh fruit, not too useful. Try to make it on the basis of one fruit using ingredients like avocados and Greek yogurt.

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