Scientists spoke about the positive impact of grapes on the human body.
It turned out that he is able to cure Alzheimer’s disease.
American scientists have conducted a number of studies on the impact of grapes on patients with Alzheimer’s disease. The experiment involved two groups of sick people – one was to take the grapes twice a day for six months, others were not supposed to take it at all.
It is worth noting that all participants had taken the tests at the beginning of the study. They were required to compare them with the final results. The difference in performance was very surprised scientists sometimes improve the function of the brain was 30-50% of those who are in your diet grapes used. These results were among the best in the last decade. After further research it was found that the substances that make up the grapes, help to increase mental alertness.
Also worth mentioning that excessive consumption of grapes may hurt the pancreas and intestinal tract.
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