Monday , February 17 2025
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There is evidence of attack by fighters of residential houses in Donetsk

Появились доказательства обстрела боевиками жилого дома в ДонецкеActivists proved as the militants shelled residential building in Donetsk.

Community activists InformNapalm has published evidence of shelling residential building in Donetsk from the territory controlled by Pro-Russian terrorists.

We are talking about hit 22-millimeter high-explosive shells into the side of the residential building on the street Listoprokatchikov, 17.

“A note on two multi-storey buildings, marked in blue. The trajectory of the projectile passes exactly between them, otherwise the shell hit the front wall of one of the houses. This allows us to precisely determine the direction of arrival (indicated by a red arrow)”, – volunteers write.

Появились доказательства обстрела боевиками жилого дома в Донецке

After that, the activists InformNapalm depicted on the map line, with a length of 15.4 km (the maximum firing range 122-mm howitzer D-30) in the direction of the shooting and found that the area where the shooting was carried out, is under the control of terrorists.

Появились доказательства обстрела боевиками жилого дома в Донецке

Volunteers noted that on January 31 terrorists also fired at a house next door, using the same 122-mm high-explosive shells.

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