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The UN told about the activation of the recruiters of ISIS

В ООН рассказали об активизации вербовщиков ИГ“Islamic state” seeks to mobilize supporters around the world and tries to go beyond the region in which operates.

The Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant multiplies efforts to mobilize new fighters. In addition, ISIS seeks to go beyond the existing foci of conflict — Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria.

This is the opinion of the UN Secretary General, antónio Guterres. It was based on a report submitted to the UN security Council. According to the report, said Guterres, the danger of ISIS terrorist attacks against aircraft and airports remains high.

According to the compilers of the report, the actions of the international coalition against ISIS was quite effective, they have led to massive losses in the ranks of combat units of the terrorist movement, as well as to the loss of many territories.

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