In profile Committee of the Russian Parliament believe that the proposed bill is inconsistent with already existing laws.
Profile Committee of the state Duma recommended to reject in first reading the draft law on the free distribution to the needy confiscated sanctions products.
The document was submitted to the Duma in August 2016 by Senator Anton Belyakov. The author of the bill pointed out that the Putin can not be justified “in light of the Russia difficult socio-economic situation.”
The state Duma Committee on economic policy, industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship, having considered the bill, came to the conclusion that its provisions are not consistent with the law “On special economic measures” that were imposed food embargo and the law “On customs regulation in the Russian Federation”.
Moreover, the bill does not contain a clear mechanism for implementation of the gratuitous transfer of goods for socially important needs and does not determine that such needs apply.
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