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Home / policy / The state Duma approved in first reading the draft law on the re-establishment of sobering-up stations

The state Duma approved in first reading the draft law on the re-establishment of sobering-up stations

Госдума одобрила в первом чтении законопроект о воссоздании вытрезвителей

The state Duma in the first reading adopted the draft law on the re-establishment of sobering-up stations. The document proposes giving police officers the right to deliver to citizens in public places in a condition of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication and have lost ability independently to move, not only in the medical organizations, but also in institutions where such people would be helped.

The authors of the bill were senators Valery Ryazan, Igor kagramanian, Alexander Varfolomeev, Tatiana Kusano and deputies of the state Duma Alexander Hinstein and Vasily Piskarev. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

In the explanatory note to the bill States that “the abolition of the medical sobering-up stations extremely negative impact on General criminogenic situation”. “According to the interior Ministry, the number of crimes committed by persons in an alcohol intoxication, from 2011 to 2018 grew by 34.9% (in 2018 326 269, accounting for 35% of the total number of persons who have committed crimes). At the same time increased the number of crimes committed against persons caught in a helpless state in respect of alcoholic intoxication,” — say MPs.

The authors of the bill note that “according to Rosstat, for reasons due to alcohol in the Russian Federation annually die more than 50 thousand citizens, including from hypothermia on the streets of 8-10 thousand people.” According to them, in several regions of Russia have appeared of the center, which can deliver people in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The agencies have been created in private regional hospitals. In this regard, “the proposed bill eliminates the existing gap of legal regulation”, the authors of the draft law.

Recall that in the USSR the sobering-up stations subordinate to the interior Ministry. In the 1990-ies their number across the country decreased in 2011 were closed all the medical sobering-up stations in the country.

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