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The situation in the zone ATO: militants fired 39 times

Soldiers returned fire 20 times

In the area of the antiterrorist operation (ATO) in the Donbas, the militants fired at positions Armed forces of Ukraine (AFU) 39 times. This was at the briefing said the representative of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine on ATO Col.

“Yesterday, in the area of hostilities in the East of Ukraine militants carried out 39 attacks aimed. 20 times the Ukrainian military opened fire from weapons that are not prohibited by the Minsk agreements. In the fighting none of Ukrainian military died or were injured”, – stated in the message. According to Motuzyanik, in the Luhansk direction, militants violated the silence regime 28 times.

The most powerful attacks happened in the area of Trinity, Crimea, and Luhansk, they continued almost around the clock. So, the night fighters from 120-mm mortars fired at military positions of AFU near Luhansk, firing only 6 min. After lunch in the area of Trinity illegal armed groups shelled Ukrainian positions with weapons of BPM and 120-mm mortars. In the evening illegal armed groups regained mortar fire of the defenders of Lugansk.

In addition, on the Donetsk direction the militants violated the silence regime 11 times, using mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns. Near Avdeevka illegal armed formations opened fire from infantry weapons. Also, in the second half of the day fighters used 82-mm mortars in close proximity to Sand mines and Cabins.

Illegal armed formations have violated the silence regime in the Water and Talakovki, periodically opening fire from grenade launchers and APCS.

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