Homemade scrubs perfectly cope with the main task of removing dead cells and promote better metabolism and circulation.
The skin is constantly updated, and dead skin cells need time to get rid of.
Today you can buy the tool for peeling for every taste and budget. If to the store means you treat with distrust, and if you have problematic or sensitive skin, cosmetologists are advised to prepare a homemade scrub of the most simple and affordable products.
Salt + soda
To prepare this scrub, mix salt and soda in a ratio of 1:1. Light movements RUB the soda-salt scrub to clean damp skin – gently massage over skin in a clockwise direction with your fingertips. Then wait until the skin dry, and apply moisturizer. During this procedure, the baking soda loosens the top layer of the epidermis, and the salt “pulls” black particles. Peeling baking soda and salt should be done regularly, but not more often than once per week – over time, the black dots will disappear and pores will be reduced.
Salt + honey
Before carrying out this procedure, you must be sure that you are not allergic to honey. Take half a teaspoon of salt and mix it with half tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mass on the skin and rinse off after few minutes. This scrub is very effective, but it is better not to use people with diabetes and capillary veins on the face.
Grind in a coffee grinder oat flakes and fill them with water. Apply the paste on the face and leave on for a few minutes. If your skin is very sensitive, it is possible to flakes to add a little cinnamon, honey or butter, to soften the effect of the scrub.
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