Still indignant public discussing tears 8-year-old girl to such a state brought the comments of the judges on the show “Minute of fame”. However, the new episode is tossed and a new topic for discussion.
On show was a professional dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who has no one foot. Dancing duet of Eugene and Alena Shineway touched the audience, but, alas, the jury again found something to say.
Vladimir Pozner said that delighted with the room, but not ready to allow the participants in the next round: “Hat off repeatedly, but will vote against”. Sergei Yursky was also amazed by the feat Eugene, but all voted “for”.
Then give your opinion came and Renata Litvinova. It also gave approval for continued participation of Eugene in the show, but managed to sympathize with him, calling it “a human amputee”! Moreover, she invited the dancer to fasten the second leg, “that was not so obvious.”
Sergei Svetlakov again tried to smooth things over: “He came out and asked: “Show close up what happened to me”. The scene was the room. He danced like a dancer and not as a cripple. He did that with two legs will not do!”
Eugene lost his leg after an accident: he was hit by a car when he was riding on a moped. Because of unscrupulous doctors, he started to have gas gangrene. Only through dances Eugene was able to find the strength to move on: “I dance as I live.”
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