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The nutritionist spoke about the dangers of eating in hot weather

Диетолог рассказала о вреде отказа от пищи в жаркую погодуMissed meals can have negative consequences especially for the elderly

Clinical dietician from Israel Olga just published in the edition of Yediot Ahronot (“Latest news”) article about the principles of healthy eating in the summer, where he stressed the need to maintain the hottest time in the normal diet, including at least three meals a day.

In hot weather many people, especially the elderly are faced with a lack of appetite. However, at the ripe old age of missed meals because of the heat and not wanting to cook can have for the health serious adverse effects. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

The elderly are particularly sensitive to abnormalities in the diet and the amount of water consumed, especially if they don’t train the body with regular hunger strikes or fasts.

If you do not want to eat in the heat, Olga Again advises eating small portions, adding more vegetables and fruits.

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