In Poland, Ukrainians often went to Warsaw and in the country – Lviv, Odessa and the Dnieper.
A number of Polish cities in 2016 was popular among the Ukrainian tourists. To Poland from Ukraine go as a tourist and for work. Most visited last year are Warsaw, kraków, poznań, Lublin and wrocław. These results showed the study conducted by experts of the company Busfor.
For 2016, the growth of passenger traffic on the route “Kyiv – Warsaw” was more than 100%, “Warsaw – Kyiv” is of the order of 170%. At the same time increased the number of offers from different carriers on these routes, says the company.
In addition, in the past year among Ukrainian tourists has increased interest in traveling within the country. Among the most popular domestic flights Lviv, Odessa, Zatoka and the Dnieper. Growth on the route “Kyiv – Lviv” amounted to 187%, “Lviv – Kyiv” – 154%, estimated by analysts.
In addition to Odessa and Zatoka, for sea holiday, Ukrainians went to Nikolaev, Kherson, Koblevo, Berdyansk, Mariupol, the Black sea, Tallinn and Varna.
Busfor the Director General in Ukraine Oleksandr Pavlovich noted that in recent years there has been a steady growth of passenger traffic to destinations linking Ukraine with Europe. This is due to the intensification of relationships at work, cultural and educational areas, which over the past few years become more accessible and open to Ukrainians.
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