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The most dangerous monsters in the depths of the sea. Photo

Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. ФотоYou can’t even imagine how horrible can be fish.

There are fish that have teeth as sharp as a razor blade, and they may present no less danger to humans than, for example, a lion or a crocodile. Such fish-monsters live not only in the depths of the ocean and in freshwater rivers and lakes, and even in shallow water. So, going into an unknown body of water, especially somewhere in the tropics, it is not necessary to lose vigilance.

1. Fish PACU - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

This fish can reach one meter in length and weigh about 25 kg. Its teeth resemble the shape of a human, but if this fish will bite you, then I’m gonna be pissed. This monster dwells in the rivers of the Amazon, but after the resolution of sport fishing on this species, it has spread in the waters of North America and Asia.

In 1994, in New Guinea there have been two deaths among fishermen. They were found completely riddled with teeth, the death occurred from blood loss. It was not immediately known what kind of animal attacked the men, however, as it turned out, did it fish PACU.
2. Electric eel

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This creature, like a mixture of snake and fish, is found in the Amazon and the rivers of South America and the appearance of danger or prey strikes its victims of electric shock at 600 volts. Such a discharge would be enough to kill a man.
3. The Atlantic loggerhead fish

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In appearance this fish resembles a monster with a terrible set of small and sharp teeth. Its weight can reach 30 kg and a length of tadpole fish can reach 2 meters. The monster that lives in the ocean and camouflaged amongst the sea rocks.

The attack glovista fish opens his huge mouth and sinks its teeth into the victim’s body. In the mouth of a fish can fit a soccer ball, which she easily swallowed. The man to escape from the attacks of this marine predator is unlikely, there is a danger even to be swallowed whole, as the size of the stomach, the ghastly horror of this fish, almost equal to the length of her torso. There have been cases, in the stomachs of these fish found human remains.
4. Tiger fish

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Tiger fish or Goliath – a real monster and a fierce predator among the inhabitants of freshwater bodies. This fish can reach a weight of 50 kg, and huge sharp teeth easily allow you to rip the victim to shreds. Bloodthirsty monster attacks and eats caught in the river animals and will refuse to attack humans. Basically, this fish lives in the African waters, especially in the Congo river and lake Tanganyika.
5. Som Bagare

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

This catfish is also called the goonch fish, dwells mostly in the river Kali, which is located between India and Nepal. It is a fish–eater, she is the main culprit of the disappearance of people on the river. The weight of catfish can reach up to 140 kg and it can attack even when the crowd of people.

But people are to blame for that fish are addicted to human flesh, as the locals according to ancient customs send in the last journey after all Indian rituals on this river polumogina of the dead body.
6. Fish paiara

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Fish paiara or scombridae hidrolik simply amazing human imagination is a fish-vampire the real count Dracula in the image of water dweller. The monster grows to a four-foot length and can weigh about 14 kg. the Length of his lower canines may reach 16 cm And uses its fangs paiara, knowing the location of the internal organs of the victim. So a careless man, bathing in the rivers of the Amazon, may receive a deadly bite from this deadly fish. It will clearly sink their teeth directly in the heart or lung, thereby at one time slaying his victim.
7. Fish-stone

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Borodavchenko or fish-stone is one of the most venomous fish in the world. This saltwater fish is a master of disguise among Karlovich reefs. She is disguised as stone, prisypaya themselves to sand from the bottom, and waits for its prey. Person to eat this fish, of course, can not, but to kill – easily.

As this fish is very similar to the stone and it dwells more on shallow water, people may come to it, for which he received a lethal dose of poison. The worst thing is that the antidote to poison fish stone there, and people die in terrible agony, as the poison acts immediately, and for several hours. This fish common in the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans and in the shallow waters of the red sea, so our tourists will have the chance to meet this monster, for example, in the popular holiday in Sharm El Sheikh or Hurghada.
8. The snakehead fish

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

This dangerous predatory fish was first seen in Russia in the rivers in the far East and Primorsky region, as well as in Korea and China. But today snakehead can occur in waters of other countries. He is not picky with food and eats all living inhabitants of the rivers, as well as amphibians. On average, the fish may weigh 10 kg, but there were individuals who reached 30 kg. If a person is bitten fish, it can cause serious injury.
9. Fish vandelliya

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

This fish inhabits the waters of the Amazon and terrible for a man his size, as paradoxical as it sounds. Vandelliya eats flesh, and due to its size (maximum of 2.5 cm in length and 3 mm in thickness) can enter the human body through the ureter or anus and eat the flesh inside, bringing his victim torment and suffering. This fish floats the smell of blood and urine as its power sources. But fortunately, such cases are very rare.
10. Piranha

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Small and terrible piranha has in its Arsenal trapezoidal sharp teeth that enable you in seconds to tear pieces of flesh. Her teeth dig into the flesh as easily as a warm knife cuts butter. These fish reach a maximum length of 30 cm, but they swim and attack in packs, and in a very short period of time, for example, from the cow’s carcass will remain only bones. If a pack of these voracious and bloodthirsty fish attacks on humans, most likely, he did not escape.
11. Fish-urchin

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

This fish is notorious for being very toxic in the skin, intestine and the ovary contains a huge number of tetrodotoxin. This substance getting into the body of the victim, affects the brain, causing paralysis and then death. Therefore, this fish is better not to eat. In Japan, however, is considered a delicacy dish made from puffer fish which is a species of puffer fish. But cook it professionals, who for many years have learned how to cut fugu poison to the poisoned meat. But having no experience on the dish along with the fish give a man the death.
12. List sawfish Stingray

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Huge list sawfish Stingray threat with his long nose, flanked by razor-sharp spikes. Just attack the person seven-meter slope will not, however, had a heightened sense of territorial defense and very poor eyesight, so if the person would be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the slope with all the power let your saw the entrance and transform their prey into mincemeat. The danger lies in the fact that this river monster is perfectly camouflaged and notice sometimes it can be too late. However, this species is under threat of extinction due to the poisoning nature of human activity.

13. Fish Guaza

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Самые опасные монстры морских пучин. Фото

Compared to fish huasai all the other members – just small fish. Guaçu called “Atlantic giant guper” because of his size terrified. This fish weighs about 450 kg, and its mouth can be long up to 5 m. This instance also, like the great white shark or a giant catfish, may at one time fully swallow a man.

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