Each species is programmed to survive in their environment.
Caring for offspring in the animal world is not always falls on the shoulders of the mother, often the father takes over the care of offspring. Sometimes the male himself is carrying the unborn child. Sometimes he incubates the eggs or takes birth.
Seahorses dad — it’s mom. The female need only to throw the caviar in a special pocket on the body of the male. After that, the pair at odds. Seahorse fertilizes the eggs and hatching offspring 45 days. He gains weight, becomes sluggish and is experiencing all the delights of pregnancy and childbirth, even is experiencing the contractions — all the more exhausting by the end, when fry becomes smaller. From born babies immediately begins an independent life — parents do not participate in it.
Not to mention that these beautiful fish are now on the verge of extinction. The rapid population reduction caused by the constant hunt for them: exotic form played a cruel joke with them, making a desirable souvenir in the countries of South-East Asia. They have been treated badly after catching the horse Flex the spine to give the body the shape of the letter S. In China, where the legislation on animal protection is very flexible, seahorses dipped in a special solution, creating a so-called “living keychains”. The second reason for trapping is the use of skates in traditional Chinese medicine. If not for the fertility of fathers who are released to light up to 1000 fry per pregnancy, about this kind we only read about in books. In the season the cubs are born every four weeks.
Similar to ostrich, RHEAS living in South America can rightfully be called alpha male. This bird strictly monitors their territory and the pack; the male builds the nest to get food and protect his family from aggression by predators and competitors. The male Rhea is the absolute polygamist. In his harem, usually five to seven females (and sometimes reaches up to 12). After a period of mating almost simultaneously demolished the last of the eggs in the communal nest, and they hatch a male.
I wonder what Papa Nanda will not work for a couple of eggs — he always waits for going about ten (usually from 15 to 40). He is in the nest all night and morning until the dew dries. From time to time he briefly left the post to hunt for food. In case of danger, the males protect the eggs, snorting and snapping beak and a snake-like rotating a bloated neck.
In six weeks, begin to appear the first ostrich Chicks. As females demolition of eggs at one time (the interval between the first and the last egg up to seven days), then hatch the Chicks are almost one after the other. Then dad carefully walks the youngsters.
When Rhea is getting old (average lifespan is 12 years), then the male goes away from the flock and die alone.
The smallest of the primates — tamarins — are great parents. Unlike most of its relatives, they lead a monogamous lifestyle (although there are exceptions). The male partner cares for the whole period of fetal development. During childbirth it is a direct participant in the process, helping the baby to be born, and it is really difficult. If we recalculate the body mass of cubs and females of Igrunov in the same ratio in humans, it turns out that Mama is having a weight of 55 kg is born 14-pound baby.
Cubs are most often born two fathers take in their upbringing most active part: they are always with offspring, caring for them, carry them on his back and introduced to the world, bringing the females for feeding. It’s not like the society of other primates, where the main in the life of young creatures — the females of the pack.
Bigfoot, weed or chicken
Bird lives in Australia and the Pacific Islands, and remarkable for its sophisticated methodology of growing Chicks: Bigfoot not the eggs hatch, and it provides the responsible parent (the male, as you may have guessed) very hectic life.
After the female bears the eggs to a specially prepared place: a small hole, covered with fallen leaves — taking care of the offspring goes to the father. The plants rot and release heat, which is heating the masonry. The problem is that in the nest to maintain the temperature of 33.3 °C. as soon As the level is exceeded, Papa Bigfoot rake a pile and allow the clutch to cool. As soon as it’s getting colder, it gathers new leaves and hides their eggs. And so 11 months.
Thermometer is the neck of the male, which is devoid of feathers. To monitor the temperature, it plunges the head into the socket several times per hour. And this “sensor” as the researchers found, has an error of only 0.1 °C!
Hatched Chicks in a day can run, and after three days and to fly. And from the first day they lead a completely independent life — parents do not care about them.
Jackals and coyotes
A feature of these types is total monogamy: once created, the pair remains together forever. The male provides the female a deep and carefully prepared hole. The entire period of pregnancy, childbirth and upbringing of offspring it is close to family, only occasionally excommunicated hunting. After birth he begins to hunt more often and brings more production, and to facilitate the digestion of newborns dad spits up it part of already digested food.
I should add that monogamy is not common among animals: those are only 5% of all species (vs 90% for birds). Most often it occurs in canines.
Unusual bird, common in the subtropics and tropics of both hemispheres. Species ponds, the banks of which creates its nest. Small akanu can often be seen running around on the vegetation that floats on the water — a bird so small that the leaves hang on to it.
The female, which is larger than the male blows the eggs and immediately starts to search for a new partner. The female will mate three to four times per season, and males incubate the eggs — sometimes from several individuals (for sitting in the nest dad can throw off their laying completely alien mom). After hatching, the father continues to take care of the offspring: nourishes, protects, warms under the wing, if they accidentally fell into the water. So he takes care of the children until they will get stronger and will not be able to move independently.
Year, one female lays up to eight nests, and the male may raise two broods of Chicks.
Frog and toad
Found in nature in 579 species of frogs and about as many species of frogs. But they all have one thing in common — the future of tadpoles hatching a father. For this purpose nature has developed special features of the structure of the body.
Some species of toads and frogs (e.g., rhinoderma Darwin, hairy frog from Cameroon) carry eggs in his mouth, refusing food for a period of maturation of the calf. The other males attach the egg to the skin and carry them with you (toad-midwife). There are types (Pipa Carvalho and Surinamese Pipa) which have a special pouch on the body, in which is placed the eggs and the male carries her until, while the cubs will not be fully ready for life in the environment.
The peculiarity of the development of the offspring of amphibians is to continue the formation of the body after birth. Tadpole, hatched from the egg has no mouth. It receives nutrients, sucking them through the skin of the parent. A few days later he begins to eat algae. But one or two months the tadpole spends with parents. And then finally formed the frog becomes fully independent.
Emperor penguin
Equality — the motto of the family life of penguins. Here about the baby care by both parents, each in its stage: the mother carries the egg, and the father broods the chick. Demolished the egg, the male gently puts on the legs and covers the special care of a skin fold in the abdomen — najednou bag.
About three months the father will not part with the egg moves very carefully and not eating anything, relying on existing fat reserves. During a hard frost, the males gather in groups and cover each other from the wind. Females at this time restore power in the ocean, but return to the moment of the appearance of the offspring. If they are late, a few days father can feed the chick a special nutrient juice that is produces the body.
Returning the female takes over the baton from his father. Five weeks after the birth of the babies, they no longer fit in najednou bag and go to the “kindergarten,” where they spend time, closely huddled in a heap. Along the perimeter alternately on duty parents: warming up the young plants from frost and protecting from predators. Feeding address: a couple of parents find in the crowd of young a chick and fed only his.
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