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The most bizarre scientific theories of our time. Photo

Самые странные научные теории современности. ФотоAbsurd ideas of scientists.

In the world there are many strange theories about the existence and development of the world, who at various times have been expressed by different scholars. We collected in this review the most, in our view fanciful and absurd. However, it is not excluded that some of them can be true.

1. Our universe began in the collision of two or more universes - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

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Unlike the Big Bang theory, which assumes that the universe began with a singularity, aspirationsof model of the Universe suggests that the universe arose from the collision of two three-dimensional worlds in space. This means that besides our Universe, there is at least one other, and the distance between them is supposedly smaller than the diameter of the atom.

2. There are white holes

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Since there are black holes that suck up everything it is supposed to be white holes that are literally “spit” of the matter. According to some scientists, if white holes exist, they can be associated with black holes in approximately the same way as described above.

3. People kill the Universe every time we look at dark energy

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Professor Lawrence Krauss once said that people kill the Universe every time they look at dark energy, which is known today, is 70% of the Universe. According to the theory, they allegedly continue to make the Universe more unstable and reduce the duration of her life, although in a minor scale.

4. The universe is a hologram

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This theory assumes that people live not even the fact that in a complex computer program, and hologram created by the Universe itself. For example, when a person looks at the sky, he actually sees only a “wall” with a picture of galaxies and stars.

5. All live in the Matrix

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Despite the fact that everyone knows this iconic film, scientists have gone further — they actually suggest that people actually live in a computer program. These scientists believe that computers stimulate our consciousness and form what people think is reality.

6. Every time a person makes a decision, he creates the Universe

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This theory is essentially one of variations of Omniverse theory or the “multiple worlds”. It says that each person creates a new Universe every time he makes a decision, as he creates a new reality.

7. Universes continue to evolve through black holes

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Some scientists have suggested that when matter is compressed to extreme densities at the centre of a black hole, it leads to the creation of the embryo of a new Universe. These universes continue to evolve, they appear a lot of black holes, and so on to infinity.

8. The role of the heart and liver in the human body

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The physician Galen, living in the second century, suggested that the liver “surpasses” in the body of blood, bile, and phlegm, and the heart — a “life spirit”. He also said that the blood is consumed the internal organs as fuel.

9. Diseases caused by the imbalance of the “four Gumarov”

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For hundreds of years, doctors believed that the cause of disease is not germs, but imbalances of what they called “humorama”. We are talking about bodily fluids (yellow bile, mucus, blood, black bile). This concept was first proposed by Hippocrates.

10. Phrenology: reading people’s minds

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The founder of phrenology is the Austrian doctor Franz Joseph gall ,who lived in the late XVII – early XIX centuries. He argued that by measuring the shape and size of the human skull, you can judge his character traits, inclinations and level of intelligence.

11. Life in the Sun

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Although today scientists know that the Sun is basically a huge nuclear furnace in the 1700’s people thought differently. Even William Herschel, who first discovered Uranus, thought that sunspots are actually the tops of mountains peeking above the cloud layer.

12. The lamp consists of the element called “phlogiston”

In 1667, a physicist named Johann Joachim Becher proposed to add another item to the list already existing on the Land of chemical elements, phlogiston. According to Becher, all combustible elements contain the element and emit it when burning.

13. Alchemy

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It was mostly the desire to create gold, or rather the transformation into the gold of other substances. The only problem was that the alchemists had to find a “philosopher’s stone”, which was the magic key not only to initiatie this transformation, but to eternal life. It was never found.

14. The whole universe is a computer

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Just above was already told the theory that people live in a computer environment “the Matrix”. Also, there’s the “computer universe”, which argues that the universe itself is a computer in which all live. In fact, black holes, galaxies, stars and everything else acts as circuits and processors on a giant motherboard.

15. The theory of zoo

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The zoo theory suggests that aliens exist, but they never showed the person, so they can’t exert influence on human development. This theory assumes that people in fact are something like animals in a zoo, being watched by aliens, who will come into contact, only when people reach a certain level of development.

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