The Ministry of culture is blamed on law enforcement.
In the current legislation of Ukraine has no appropriate sanctions for violation of laws in the field of protection of cultural heritage, which does not allow to prosecute a particular person for urban development in the buffer zone. This is the statement of the Deputy Minister of culture Tamara Mazur. According to her, the entire responsibility in such cases lies with the law enforcement agencies.
“We are working to have grounds for intervention in the illegal construction. The only thing we can do today to inform UNESCO about the violation. If they confirm that the construction is unacceptable, and in the case of performing any work without consistent documentation, or works that do not comply with existing documentation, it is a crime for which the responsible law enforcement agencies,” said Tamara Mazur.
According to her, is not provided by the law and the demolition of the commissioned building. To rectify the situation if necessary, explains the official, exclusively by buying it from an owner that the state has no funds, or due to the transfer of property to state ownership with the consent of the owner.
Also Tamara Mazur assured that the buffer zone of St. Sophia Cathedral and Kiev-Pechersk Lavra for the last time has not changed in size. “We are officially approved in the order established by UNESCO buffer zone of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And today, our buffer zone look as they always looked to UNESCO as UNESCO has accepted them and recognized. That is, no reducing the size of the buffer zones did not happen”, – says the Deputy Minister.
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