Workers in the ambulance did not recognize the Princess.
Princess Diana died on 31 August 1997 in a road accident. A long time ago I made a different version that had been told about the causes of death in the Royal person. Forensic scientist Richard shepherd, who participated in the investigation of the death of the Princess, called the real cause of the tragic death of the heir to the throne.
According to him, the cause of death was internal bleeding which the doctors could not immediately diagnose.
“Diana died from his injuries, which too often receive. She rather quickly helped and all would be well. She received, in General, only a few fractures and a chest injury. When medics come, she was talking and the doctors thought that the guard sitting in the front seat, suffered much stronger, so first of all you need to do it,” says shepherd.
He noted that workers in the ambulance just didn’t recognize the Princess.
“Workers in the ambulance found her condition is stable. But no one knew about the small gap in Vienna one of her lungs. Human anatomy is such that this area is hidden deep in the Central part of the thoracic cavity. The pressure in the veins, of course, not as strong as arteries. The blood flows from them much more slowly, so slowly that to find the issue difficult, and to eliminate it even harder. Already in the car “ambulance”, she lost consciousness. Already in the hospital and found a torn vein and tried to sew. Unfortunately, it was too late. She died due to microtrauma, hidden, invisible micro,” added the medic.
Shepherd also commented on the pregnancy of Princess Diana, which often put the reason for the alleged murder of royals.
“This is a difficult philosophical and ethical issue. The fact that Diana called Mohammed for Sunday to death and said that she was pregnant. If so, then she was pregnant for two weeks, at least. So this is a plausible thing. The autopsy found nothing. Anything in it we not found. And she could nothing about myself to know,” said shepherd.
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