Scammers lure of personal data.
Last year the owners of Bank cards in Ukraine stole at least 339 million UAH – it is 4 times more than in 2015.
It is reported Ліга.net citing data from the Association of members of payment systems EMA.
Currently, the most popular method is the obtaining of sensitive information is social engineering.
The average amount of theft is small, for example, in the cases of telephone fraud – 1403 UAH. But, according to bankers, criminals sometimes fall to tens of thousands of hryvnia.
See also: Fraudsters have increased the amount of the stolen money from Bank cards of Ukrainians four times in 2016
These types of fraud accounted for 63% of all the problems facing today’s security service Ukrainian banks
“Most of the problems that banks and their clients in the field of the Internet and social engineering. This phone calls (called vishing), phishing sites that lure payment card data, and purchase of fictitious sellers who sell goods at the lowest price or attractive, and this require the transfer of money to their accounts, ” – said the Deputy Director EMA Olesya Danilchenko.
Of all recorded thefts of money from the card more than 80% are cases of telephone fraud. Call can on behalf of the Bank under various pretexts, but the goal is always the same – to obtain credit card information, including any necessary for operations CVV code.
More “advanced” scammers trying to lure customers and their personal data, allowing subsequently to remove the limits for Internet payments via the call center financial institutions.
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