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“The key to a strong family”: in Russia adopted the law on decriminalization battery

"Залог крепкой семьи": в Росии приняли закон о декриминализации побоев в семьеThe Russian state Duma has removed criminal penalties for “debut” violence.

The Russian Duma has passed in definitive, third reading the resonant bill, exempting from the Penal code and assault within the family, perfect for the first time.

In the third reading “for” vote of 380 deputies, against – three. Do not vote Communist faction.

The bill was introduced in the state Duma in the fall of United Russia deputies led by Olga Batalina, as well as several senators. Its signature under it has put and Senator Elena Mizulina.

In the first reading it was adopted on 11 January and the second on Wednesday, January 25.

The bill removes from the 116th article of the criminal code – “the Beating” – the words “in relation to close persons” and thus exempts from criminal liability beating relatives. According to the existing now in Russia the legislation, the beatings committed for the first time outside the family, are an administrative offence, and within the family – criminal.

During Friday’s debate against the law was supported only by the Communists. “Supporters of this change have ignored existed in Russia for centuries, the legal position about the inadmissibility of violation of the physical integrity of the individual. […] This law will perpetuate violence as a normal behavior,” – said from the rostrum of the Chairman of the Committee on legislation Yuri sinelschikov.

At the request of the Communists, a roll-call vote on this law will be published in the official organ of publication of legal acts “the Russian newspaper”. “This law has divided our society for a living”, – explained the request of the first Deputy Chairman of the Communist party faction Sergei Reshulsky.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky supported the adoption of the law. “90% of marriages of convenience. Not love and marry, only to have their own woman or, finally, to marry. When the love marriage, then there will be silence. When you love each other – what is there to beat? And the child is welcome, wanted,” explained the leader of the liberal democratic party causes violence in families.

United Russia Andrei Isayev said that the question of permission or approval of domestic violence at the hand of the ruling party is not. “Retained criminal liability for any violence against the person, which has led to even a slight injury. […] We are talking about flip-flops and slap. But in this case no one offers to hang a medal on his chest. […] If a single mother after two work weary come home and find his son in the table of drugs and give him a slap, it is under current law, becomes a felon,” explained Deputy law.

Earlier, the Russian Parliament spoke out against the mitigating amendments proposed by the Communist party. Communist Yuri Sinelshikov proposed to retain criminal liability for a beating of pregnant women, minors and persons in a helpless state.

According to a recent survey by VTSIOM, most Russians condemn physical violence but supported the proposal to mitigate the punishment for the beating that took place for the first time. To translate this offence into the category of administrative, made by 59% of respondents. 70% of Russians voted against the assault, 19% admitted the use of physical force within the family in relation to wives, children or husbands.

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