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The Japanese have created a unique bees-drones

Японцы создали уникальных пчел-дроновCreated by replacing the drones of bees pollinating.

Japanese scientists from the National Institute of advanced technology and science created a small unmanned aerial vehicles that are able to pollinate flowering plants. The intent of the researchers, the robots should help to mitigate the effects of decreasing the bee population all over the world.

The engineers have provided a 5-centimeter drones G-Force PXY CAM adhesive surface, which is made of animal hair, coated with liquid gel. The latter consists of long molecules, and has sufficient tackiness to capture pollen grains.

Drones are controlled remotely, but they cannot yet get inside the flowers, as do the insects. In addition, some researchers believe that the robots are not able to replace bees, it is therefore necessary to look for ways to prevent the deaths of bee colonies.

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