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The iPhone 7 has encountered an unexpected problem

Пользователи iPhone 7 столкнулись с неожиданной проблемойWith iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has begun to peel paint.

As reported fans of Apple devices, popular gadgets, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, released in new fashion colors Jet Black, lose their attractive appearance after a few hours of use.

But as it turned out, the housing standard black matte color (Black) iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are even more serious flaws, which became known only now.

Users newfangled iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, which has a black color complain about the poor quality of coating paint on their gadgets peeling off, making their appearance completely unattractive. Some even share a secret that is constantly forced to use the marker, painting chipped on the body “cool” device. According to them, it’s a shame, as the cost of Apple products is fairly high, but the quality of it is not.

Complaints in this regard have already a lot – hundreds of them. But the representatives of the brand announced that there is no problem with a black matte finish to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, and voiced complaints about the peeling paint does not fall under warranty.

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