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The fight with the shooting in Kiev.

Драка со стрельбой в Киеве: есть жертвыThe incident occurred on Solomenskaya street.

In the capital the two men quarreled. But a verbal altercation conflict they failed to resolve. In the end, one of them pulled out a gun and shot at his opponent.

As told the in a press-service GU of the National police in Kiev, ex-wife of the wounded men said that during a conversation they were approached by a 37-year-old friend. He became abusive swearing at her former husband and threatening. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

At some point, took my gun and shot him several times. Taken aback, the 32-year-old man received a wound to the chest.

But the wounded man from Kiev was not taken aback, grabbed the gun and they repeatedly struck on the head with her abuser.

Men are now in hospital.

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