The benefits for the body and soul.
We all any time wondered that you can eat during lent and how to set the table, not to cause harm to the body. It is known that a Great post will help to purify only in the case if you follow the rules of the meal and provide yourself with good nutrition.
If you decide to follow the rules of strict fasting – this does not mean that you have to starve. Be sensible and try not to harm your body fervently “mortification” of the flesh. Even during lent, you can provide yourself a full, healthier food.
Great post: permitted foods
To you body and soul could experience the joy and Holiness of the meal, your food should be varied, but simple.
Fruits and vegetables: boiled, stewed, baked – should be the basis of your diet. Let at your table will be carrots, potatoes, beets, pickled cabbage and cucumbers. Don’t forget about corn, peas, green peppers, apples, pomegranate, bananas and citrus. The more diverse the better.
In the post you can’t abuse the spices, salt, sugar and fried foods. Give preference to food cooked on a steam bath or in the grill.
Useful tip: when you boil vegetables, throw them in already boiling water and do not allow strong boiling. Both will be able to preserve a greater amount of nutrients.
Porridge: the porridge should become another important component of your diet. Don’t forget that cooking should be on water and will have to do without adding oil. But you have an additional reason for culinary experiments.
Tip: add your cereal, nuts, carrots, mushrooms and onions, for sweet cereals suitable dried fruits and raisins.
Instead of meat, milk and eggs: if you include in your diet vegetable protein – your body may just not suffer from a lack of meat. Vegetable protein is found in eggplant, peanuts, lentils, soy and all legumes. Now commercially available, “soy meat”, which, subject to manufacturing technology can replace the present.
By the way, nutritionists confirm that soy protein composition might compensate for the protein contained in meat and fish.
PA the duration of fasting should abandon the following products:
Meat and meat products
Fish and fish products (except for lax days).
Milk and dairy products
Fast food
Strict and non-strict fasting days
The first 4 days and the last week before Easter considered the most strict days of fasting. On Clean Monday (first day of lent) and good Friday (last Friday before Easter) are among the most strict days of fasting, when at all. But on the first Friday of lent allowed boiled wheat, sweetened with honey or sugar.
On other days, meals are served at specific times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: bread, water, vegetables, fruits, compotes
Tuesday, Thursday: food without oil
Saturday and Sunday: food with oil and all the variety of fish products.
The weakening of post is allowed for pregnant women, the sick and the elderly, as well as traveling.
Important: even if you completely abandoned the prohibited products, in no case do not overeat. And remember, the main dogma of lent is a spiritual cleansing. True fasting is the curbing of the language, the suppression of anger and anger, the taming of passions, the cessation of lies, slander and perjury.
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