Recently ex-wife the ex-defender of “Locomotive”, and now actually unemployed Alexander Tatyana Aliyev again stated that he had raised her hand. After divorce the former spouses are still living in the same apartment, and the conflicts between them occur as frequently as in family life.
Tatyana came to the transfer of Andrei Malakhov “Let them talk” with a request to rescue her from the battering ex-husband. The woman could not hold back the tears. According to her, Aliyev did not let her on the set and threw another scandal. The presenter asked Tatiana why she will not move to another apartment. The woman replied that so far not done so because of the children.
Frame from the transmission
“I could rent an apartment, if I didn’t have two small children, where they have their own room, school. Why do I have children to leave? If people decided that was more important to him “bun”, other women, cheating, and everything else, why can’t he do as the man just up and leave,” said Tatiana.
The woman also said that Aliyev’s drinking. The show was shown the apartment of the football player: everywhere scattered beer bottles on the floor, sleeping man athlete, and he lies in a cot. Ex-wife of Alexander says that he was trying to encode, but all in vain.
Frame from the transmission
Aliyev himself also spoke about the conflict with ex-wife. The athlete said that Tatiana herself provoked him: “I was told that I could not believe how she walked, how she drinks, how much she was at home, who comes home, who home quoted. For six years continued. I must admit, I didn’t raise my hand. She provoked me, accused that I was cheating, I was tired of listening to it”.
Frame from the transmission
Guests in the Studio were outraged and could not understand why Tatiana holds across the apartment, risking their health and the health of children. The woman said they are willing to pay for a rented apartment and hopes that Alexander will come to their senses and give her a place to live. However, many believe that after the broadcast player only gets mad and causing a scandal.
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