The Chinese doctor suggested a way to reduce high blood pressure.
Hypertension is one of the most common health problems is often caused by Smoking, consumption of salty foods, obesity, stress and lack of sleep.
In addition, if your family, this problem is passed from one generation to the next, you should include this more seriously than others.
We want to share advice on how to reduce high blood pressure safely. This tool was found by Chinese doctor, Lu Hun Sen.
Item 1-2.
This is the line that starts just behind the ear cartilage, and extends to the middle line of the neck. You don’t have much pressure. To be careful to touch the fingertips, from the beginning to the end of the line. Repeat this process 10 times on each side.
Item 3.
This line starts from the ear lobe and goes straight to the nose, where it ends.
Within 1 minute gently massage this line with your fingertips.
Chinese healers claim that this massage has amazing effects and really regulate high blood pressure.
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