Demo version for the PC was released in Steam network and will take about 24 GB of free hard disk space.
The developers of Mafia III has released a free demo version of Mafia III on consoles and PC. Players offer for free to try out the entire first act of the third part of the series.
However, the developers have released and first story addition for a new game called “Faster, baby” (Faster, Baby). In the story, the action takes place in the suburbs, where runs the Sheriff beaumont. Lincoln together with his sister-in-arms Roxy Laveau decides to bring corrupt police to clean water, participating in speed races, using new military tactics and performing operations under the cover of night.
In addition there will be a number of new vehicles, new weapons, including mines that can be used as traps, and grenades that can be thrown from the car. After the new additions of players waiting for two more packages of content included in the season pass.
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