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Home / Incident / The brutal murder of 6-year-old girl in Kharkov: new details

The brutal murder of 6-year-old girl in Kharkov: new details

Жестокое убийство 6-летней девочки в Харькове: новые подробностиA stepfather beat to death daughter, saying that fell on her TV.

In Kharkov, a stepfather beat to death a 6-year-old daughter. doctors he said the child fell TV.

27-the summer man have detained.

The dead girl’s parents called an ambulance. Doctors said that the tragedy happened when the girl was alone in the room. According to the stepfather, the child accidentally pulled the TV. However, doctors have found more. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

It was later revealed that the stepfather beat the girl two days before her death. To doctors parents is not addressed. So all this time, the child was suffering from peritonitis. According to preliminary findings of forensic scientists, the girl had broken the internal organs.

The couple have a child and – year-old girl. According to the mother, the husband constantly beat her and daughters. But because of the difficulties to get away from the man the woman was afraid. The doors of the house where the tragedy occurred, the journalists had not been opened. Neighbors on pseudo-wife do not know anything.

Now my stepfather is in custody. He faces life imprisonment. The investigation also establishes the involvement in the tragedy of the mother.

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