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The benefits of coconut oil: eight facts

Польза кокосового масла: восемь фактовHealthy fats must be present in the diet of each person.

Coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular among adherents of proper nutrition, and this is no coincidence.

All the interesting and useful information about this product said the experts.

If you stick to a healthy diet, you probably know that healthy fats should be a staple in the diet of each person. It is therefore important to choose the right oil that would be ideal for a variety of purposes.

The fact is that not all oils contain the same fatty acids. In addition, different types of oil react differently to high temperatures, that is ideal for salads, quite unsuitable for frying. But what has the same properties of coconut oil and how it is better to use?..

Different molecular structure
Coconut oil differs from other vegetable oils by its consistency. At room temperature it has a solid form, which changes when heated. Due to this property, coconut oil can easily replace butter when it comes about the preparation of the test. Such a replacement of product of animal origin vegetable analogue will make the dish more tasty and less caloric.

Improves digestion
In a world where it is not always possible to eat properly, and most importantly – on a regular basis, many are faced with problems such as dysbiosis and bloating. Coconut oil will help you cope with them, because it has anti-microbial and soothing action. Just try to replace regular vegetable oil that you used to cook with, coconut, and after a couple of weeks to notice the result.

Helps control weight
One important feature of coconut oil is its ability to quickly metaboliziruetsa, turning into energy and not putting off in the form of fat. This property helps to actively deal with abdominal obesity, i.e. fat deposits in the abdomen and upper body. Enough to regularly eat coconut oil by adding it in daily caloric, starting with 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increasing the amount to 4 tablespoons.

In addition, coconut oil helps speed up the metabolism, which also has a positive impact on the physical form. Scientists say that replacing any other kind of coconut oil, you will start to burn more calories and hence lose weight. The recommended dose in this case is about 2 tablespoons a day.

Blunts sugar cravings
Since we raised the issue of weight loss, we note that coconut oil is a real godsend for those foodies who want to eat less sweets. The next time the hand reaches for another cake or piece of chocolate, eat a teaspoon of coconut oil. It will instantly replenish your energy reserves, and sweet you will not want.

Helps to control diabetes
In recent studies, scientists have found that coconut oil helps not only to cope with the problem of obesity, but also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In addition, if a physician has already diagnosed, the coconut oil will be indispensable in controlling the blood sugar level. This is due to the same process of rapid metabolization, which we mentioned earlier.

Perfect for frying
The vast majority of vegetable oils oxidize under high temperatures. This not only adversely affects the taste of food but also unhealthy. Coconut oil, unlike the others, has a different fatty acid composition, therefore withstands high temperatures and is ideal for frying.

Supports the immune system
Our immune system is affected by many factors, including various viruses and bacteria. If the body is not strong enough to fight them, it leads to disease. To the protective functions of the body not weakened, you have to include in the diet coconut oil. It is rich in lauric, capric and Caprylic acids which have antifungal and antiviral properties.

Moisturizes the skin
Anyone who wants to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, maintain its elasticity and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you should pay attention to coconut oil. For maximum results, it would be better to use it as a food and directly apply on face or body. This is especially necessary in winter when skin needs extra moisture.

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