Attacked Resguardo Chechens were executed and not killed during the battle.
Six militants attacked a military Regardie in Chechnya in the night of Friday, March 24, were detained alive.
It is reported by Russian “Novaya Gazeta”.
-At the disposal of “Novaya Gazeta” was niezarejestrowana pictures of Chechens, allegedly killed during “clashes”. These photos were taken at the scene of one of the members of the investigative team. In the photos it is clearly visible that all “attackers” are killed almost the same way – shot in the head,
– writes the edition.
As noted, the pictures contradict the message about the clash and suggests that all Chechens were detained alive. In the pictures one of the dead with improvised explosive devices are also clearly visible smooth fresh bruise, resembling a furrow from the handcuffs. According to the journalists, the explosive device strapped to the body yellow tape over the fresh stains of earth, grass and blood on the jacket.
-Practically, this means that someone strapped an IED by the dead “militants”,- stated in the message.
Also pointed out that prosecutors involved in the examination of the bodies of the attackers, said that they were armed only with sticks and knives.
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