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Ten effective drinks for treatment of colds

Десять эффективных напитков для лечения простудыDrinks proven over the years.

Preparations, powders for colds, cheap cough drops at times can not be compared with the therapeutic effect of anti-inflammatory drinks from fever, cough and sore throat. 10 drinks for colds for simple but effective recipes. They are good for prevention. To avoid getting sick, prepare yourself for one of these healthful drinks.

Tea with honey and lemon

Weak green or black tea with slices of lemon and a spoon of honey will help you in the season of colds. This tea has anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamin C and minerals. It should be noted that honey should not be added to very hot tea. If you are a lover of the drink it hot, you can drink small amounts of honey. Besides the fact that tea with lemon and honey has beneficial effects on the immune system, it contributes in strengthening bones, protects teeth from damage and serves as a prophylactic against skin cancer.

Ginger tea with lemon

Ginger tea with lemon is one of the most popular and healthy beverage around the world. He will warm and delight the taste, and will help to get rid of a cold. Lovers of mint flavor can add to this tea a few crushed mint leaves. In the treatment of colds, to enhance the effect, increase the amount of ginger and put sugar. Also increase the effect will help the spices: black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric and cloves. Preferable to start to help your immune system ginger tea at the first sign of a cold.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a mild anti-inflammatory. They were used for all sorts of illness since time immemorial. In combination with honey is a good cough remedy. But even if you’re already sick, it will help you. A sore throat can gargle with a decoction of chamomile. Doctors also recommend this tea for inflammatory diseases of the stomach. Chamomile reduce gas, prevent the processes of fermentation, reduces spasmodic pain in the stomach.

Tea with Echinacea

Echinacea – known for antiviral, immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory. The easiest and uncomplicated way of making tea with Echinacea is that the crushed dry stalks and flowers are placed in a Cup (1 teaspoon) pour boiling water. To enhance the effect, you can add your mug a few rose hips. Tea is better to drink before meals, twice a day. This tea is suitable for adults.

Raspberry-lime tea

Linden blossom and raspberries possess diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activity. Tasty and fragrant drink contains an Arsenal of useful to humans biologically active elements. It is useful to add in tea as dried fruits of raspberry and the leaves of the plant can also be used jam.

A decoction of rose hips

Medicinal the decoction of rose hips helps to cleanse the body, avoid toxicity and increase resistance to infections. Rose hips – excellent source of vitamin C. rose hips extract has a firming and toning action has a positive effect on the nervous system, kidneys, liver, the digestive tract. How to prepare a medicinal drink 1 tablespoon pods of rosehip pour two cups of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes. Drink should infuse for.

Compote of dried fruits

Decoction of dried fruits is a proven, delicious and all from childhood known means. The drink has a soothing and tonic action in the cold. In order to prepare a therapeutic drink, you will need 100 grams of dried fruits (apples, pears, prunes, apricots, raisins). Dried fruits should be washed, chop and boil (apples, pears 30 minutes, raisins, apricots, prunes – 5 minutes). In ready compote, you can add lemon juice and honey.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry indispensable in the treatment of colds. The chemical composition of the berries is simply unique. This food product, and vitamins, and medicine! In cranberries contain: boron, iodine, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, silver and other minerals needed by the human body. For making cranberry juice to grind the cranberries with sugar in a ratio of 3:1, 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of warm water. The drink is ready to use!

Milk… mineral water

Warm milk with mineral water can also an excellent remedy for colds. Helps with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, with cough and promotes good discharge of mucus. In order to prepare a healing drink you will need one part milk and one part mineral water. (You can use the following table mineral water, as luzhanskaya, Polyana Kvasova, Borjomi). Mix milk with mineral water. Make the drink should be in combination with the main treatment.

Milk with garlic

Garlic have found wide application in folk medicine. This is truly a miraculous tool; it is resorted to witch doctors and village healers. To prepare healing garlic milk, take 3 cloves of garlic, mash them in a wooden mortar. Heat milk until bubbles and mix with the mashed garlic, add to the drink a spoonful of honey. Before use, the milk should stand for 5 minutes. In Tibet it is believed that garlic milk is good heals the body, relieves stress and nervous excitement.

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