
Offensive winner of Eurovision will lose their way

Thomas Neuwirth kochet to get rid of Conchita Wurst. Austrian performer Thomas Neuwirth, who won the contest "Eurovision" in 2014,…

7 years ago

A winner in life: a fresh selection of jokes

Cruel humor showing how life is unfair.Our life is full of all sorts of cruelty and injustice.Few people disagree with…

7 years ago

Named the winner of the contest car of the year -2017

In Kiev took place the ceremony of awarding the winners of the contest car of the year in Ukraine to…

7 years ago

Cameroon is the fifth time became the winner of the African Cup of Nations

In the final of the continental tournament "Indomitable lions" defeated the team of Egypt.The Egyptians actively began the final and…

7 years ago