
A 20/20 vision – is our future a living hell combining the worst of communist tyranny with the worst of capitalism’s callousness?

2020 was a year of upheaval: Coronavirus, Brexit negotiations, and the Trump-Biden popularity contest, where two heads of the same…

3 years ago

Trump administration embraces a vision of nuclear armament it cannot afford, this policy will bankrupt US

The debate on whether the Trump administration was serious about seeking an extension of the New START Treaty is over. Recent…

4 years ago

Death penalty, no elections & zero immigration – UK’s new fascist party lays out its grim vision of Britain to RT

There was a curious sideshow to the thousands of people attending Saturday’s protests in London’s Trafalgar Square, organised by StandupX.…

4 years ago

Xiaomi introduced the DVR with night vision

The company Xiaomi has introduced in China new DDPAI miniONE video recorder Dashcam Night Vision.Unlike the original DDPAI miniONE Dashcam,…

5 years ago

Experts called color, which can impair vision

Biochemists from the United States have determined which light is the most dangerous for the eyes, according to their data,…

5 years ago

Named the best food for good vision

They are rich in vitamins A and C.In our time, endless sitting in front of screens of monitors and televisions,…

6 years ago

Oily fish can protect against age-related vision loss

Drinking large quantities of trout, sardines and herring protects from blindness - so the study showed.In oily fish contain chemicals…

6 years ago

Toyota presented a concept with night “vision”

Toyota introduced the "adventure" concept with night "vision" At the motor show in Los Angeles brought the Toyota concept SUV…

6 years ago

“Spooky vision”: the mystery of Ghost appearance

The researchers believe that people see ghosts because of the dirty air.American scientists believe that people see ghosts because of…

7 years ago

This jam will make you healthy and improve the vision

Jam from Rowan can be used as medicine.Very often the properties of mountain ash fruits are undervalued by society, but…

7 years ago