
Policymakers use panic to shift blame for Covid-19 onto us, the people. This will leave society scarred forever

Through visceral campaigns, policymakers have deflected attention from themselves by emphasising the risks we pose to each other. Not only…

3 years ago

The American Rescue Plan Act is not a paradigm shift for the working class – it is a band-aid on a gaping wound of inequality

In his first Rose Garden address since becoming US president, Joe Biden last week praised the passage of the $1.9trillion…

3 years ago

‘Shoot the messenger!’ The German attacks on RT are an attempt to shift public attention from the mayhem of Merkel’s sunset months

As Germany prepares for a string of state elections this weekend, with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) sitting on…

3 years ago

Tough night shift: Senate passes an amendment to Covid bill… just to vote on an almost identical one later

The Senate voted on Friday night against adjourning business until Saturday morning, ensuring that senators would stay on Capitol Hill…

3 years ago

Washington ready to rejoin UN Human Rights Council… to shift its attention from Israel’s violations

Touting the Biden administration’s supposed return toward “a foreign policy centered on democracy, human rights, and equality,” the newly-appointed diplomat…

3 years ago

Shift away from ‘fashionable’ race & gender issues, UK equalities minister suggests – gets HAMMERED by liberal press

Speaking at the Centre for Policy Studies think tank on Thursday, Truss declared that the debate in the UK over…

3 years ago

Pope Francis backs same-sex civil unions in major shift on Catholic Church’s stance

“Homosexual people have a right to be in a family,” the head of the Catholic Church says in new documentary…

4 years ago

Zircon, Russia’s newest hypersonic anti-ship missile, will radically shift the balance of power on the high seas

The first of the three planned tests is expected to take place in late October or early November.Zircon hypersonic missiles…

4 years ago

Working the night shift leads to cancer

Night work increases the risk of cancer. American scientists have found a correlation between working night shifts and the formation…

7 years ago

Scientists explained the danger of shift work

Many people are forced to work in shifts. In General, this mode is very convenient, because is released a lot…

7 years ago