
Resonant accident with Nadiya Savchenko: new details

Savchenko promised to take care of the victim from her car.The people's Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko assured the public that will…

7 years ago

There were shots as Vera Savchenko hit a woman. Video

The sister of the MP went backwards at high speed.In a Network there was video of the time of the…

7 years ago

Kiev: car Savchenko hit a woman

The accident occurred in Desnianskyi district.On the streets Theodore Dreiser, 4 today, the 13th of April, about nine in the…

7 years ago

Savchenko has created his own political party

The Congress Savchenko was elected head of the party.Non-faction MP Nadia Savchenko has created a new political party "political platform…

7 years ago

Savchenko accused Poroshenko in the sponsorship of the Russian army

The MP has posted their calculations on revenues and expenditures of the Roshen factories.The people's Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko wrote an…

7 years ago

Ridiculous excuse for a trip Savchenko militants “blew up” the Network

Ukrainian comedians again made fun of the militants "LNR" their "government."Team "Luhansk national team" in the Comedy show "the League…

7 years ago

Savchenko unexpectedly spoke about the possible resignation of Gontareva

The MP said that in politics, nothing happens just like that.In Ukraine have sprouted corruption that in order to get…

7 years ago

Savchenko sharply expressed in the address Gontareva

A politician is not surprised by the statements Gontareva about the threats in her address.The head of the National Bank…

7 years ago

Social networks are boiling because of the sharp words Savchenko about the Jews

Another statement of Hope Savchenko about the Jews in power in Ukraine angered the social network.The corresponding entry appeared on…

7 years ago

Savchenko told why you need to hold Eurovision in the Donbass

She stated this on air of one of Ukrainian TV channels.Hope Savchenko in the television broadcast stated that it is…

7 years ago