
“Hubble” showed “twin” of the milky Way

NGC 2500 is still actively producing stars.Scientists using a telescope "Hubble" has received the NGC 2500, which is located at…

7 years ago

In the milky way 100 billion stars failed

New research suggests that our galaxy contains as much as 100 billion brown dwarfs.Astronomers estimate that the milky Way contains…

7 years ago

Named the number of substars in the milky Way galaxy

In the calculation experts have made brown dwarfs.A group of Portuguese and British astronomers have calculated the amount of brown…

7 years ago

In the milky Way there is an intelligent alien civilization, scientists

In the milky Way there is an alien civilization that is able to make contact with earthlings, scientists say.American scientists…

7 years ago

Scientists have told, which will die the milky Way

Scientists from the U.S. believe that in a billion years the milky Way will die. The death of an entire…

7 years ago

The milky Way was in the middle of a giant cosmic void

According to the researchers, nothing could reach one billion light years.An international group of scientists from China and the United…

7 years ago

Inside the milky Way have found a supermassive black hole

This gravitational object is located in the star cluster NGC 6624.According to a specialist in the field of space, in…

7 years ago

We found a dead twin of the milky Way

The cause of "premature aging" are the extremely high rate of star birth.An international team of astronomers has discovered a…

7 years ago

Found young predecessors of the milky Way

Experts expect to discover over the next few years, new young analogues of the milky Way.Astrophysics from the USA, India…

7 years ago

The number of black holes in the milky Way

In the milky Way scientists have counted a few million black holes.Scientists from the University of California, Irvine (USA) estimated…

7 years ago