Kiev will have to supply Washington with rare-earth minerals if it wants to continue receiving American assistance, US President Donald Trump told journalists on Monday. Ukraine will need to enter a new agreement with the US, he added, calling it a “guarantee” for Washington. According to the 2024 World Economic …
Read More »The big eco dilemma: How rare earth metals have become a thorn in the side of the green agenda
You may not be aware of the significance of rare-earth metals (or rare-earth elements) but you should be. They are a specific set of 17 extremely similar heavy metals, and are integral to modern electric and electronic technology, specifically renewable energy, computers, lasers, glass, magnets and various industrial processes. But …
Read More »Russia to introduce export duties on metals to protect domestic market from price spikes
The duties will not affect exports to member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia. According to the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov, an export duty is determined by an increase of prices for metals globally, and in Russia as well. “Over …
Read More »Silver spike could mean bubbles in metals & other commodities, warns Commerzbank
The bank’s head of commodities research, Eugen Weinberg, told CNBC that “The excess liquidity in the system, it is likely to create bubbles not only in silver but also probably commodities and other asset classes going forward.” He suggested that the vast liquidity made available by central banks in the …
Read More »In the Pacific ocean found a rare metals
The world will be provided for 700 years.Scientists have discovered deposits of rare earth metals, which will cover all countries for 700 years, in the waters of the Pacific ocean near the island of Minamitori. Deposits of salt are deposited on an area of 2.5 thousand square kilometers. Experts believe …
Read More »In Ukraine cancelled the main restriction on currency and precious metals
This decision will promote further restoration of confidence of depositors in banksThe national Bank of Ukraine extended the weakening of the anti-crisis measures in the foreign exchange market and abolished the limit on cash withdrawals in foreign currency and Bank metals from current and Deposit accounts through cash desks and …
Read More »In the atmosphere of Mars have found metals
Metals can enter the atmosphere of Mars from the outside. Space station, MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission) found in the ionosphere of Mars metals (iron, magnesium and sodium). A study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. Metals can enter the atmosphere of Mars from the outside as …
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