
Lysenko told about the situation in Lugansk

Supporters of the former head of "LNR" issued for "Ukrainian saboteurs".In Lugansk, the FSB officers carried out the arrest among…

7 years ago

A pensioner from Lugansk ready to bow at the feet of the new leader of “LNR”. Video

Igor Plotnitsky is a dictator, who has not fulfilled his promises.Retired from the occupied Lugansk said she is ready to…

7 years ago

From Lugansk left column of military trucks and armored vehicles. Video

The militants left, brandishing machine guns.Military convoy of trucks and armored vehicles went from Lugansk to Donetsk through the town…

7 years ago

“Poroshenko put troops”: the social network laugh leaflets in Lugansk

Leaflets appeared on the streets of Lugansk. Occupied by the militants of illegal armed groups in Luhansk there were leaflets…

7 years ago

In Lugansk are preparing for armed confrontation with the “DNR”

Information about a possible merger of "DNR" and "LNR" active "exaggerated" it is from Donetsk.Once in Lugansk was the so-called…

7 years ago

Who remained in Lugansk after escaping Carpenter

What troops are in the city.After the leader of the militants "LNR" Igor Carpenter with his closest associates went to…

7 years ago

Russia uses the situation in Lugansk for the escalation of the conflict in the Donbas – defense Ministry

Russian occupational command tries to use the situation to the escalation of hostilities.The defense Ministry stated that Russia is using…

7 years ago

From Lugansk took out all the cash – Ministry of defence

At banks and ATMs Lugansk allegedly missing cash.From the occupied Lugansk took out cash to Russia. This was at the…

7 years ago

Fighters ATO have improved the tactical situation in the Lugansk direction

It was previously reported that the ATO forces liberated several settlements.Separate units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Lugansk…

7 years ago

Sergey Elkin has ridiculed the conflict in Lugansk fresh caricature

New work of Sergey Elkina. Well-known Russian artist Sergei Elkin in the new cartoon ridiculed the conflict that broke out…

7 years ago