
Hell Iceman Michael Berryman (VIDEO)

YouTube somehow thinks that the title of this short film should be translated as , "One of them". Even so,…

7 years ago

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the “Iceman”

Scientists have learned about the axe of ötzi.Scientists said that the axe is "the ice man" ötzi, a mummy which…

7 years ago

Scientists have solved the mystery of the death of the “Iceman”

He proposed a new version of the death of the "Iceman" ötzi.No sooner had the detectives to announce the circumstances…

7 years ago

Scientists have unraveled the mystery of the death of the “Iceman”

Disclosed the circumstances of the murder of 5,300-year old mummy.Scientists have found out that the man who mummified body was…

7 years ago