
Coronavirus is Satan’s work or God’s mercy?

A senior representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, likened the epidemic coronavirus with the grace of God. Metropolitan the Ryazan…

4 years ago

Coronavirus will help China become even richer — to the envy of Russia

International experts have revised their forecasts for China's development. Now increasingly such evaluations: the Chinese economy will be the largest…

4 years ago

Netanyahu and Putin discussed by telephone “coronavirus” problems

Monday, April 6, a telephone conversation between the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The…

4 years ago

Estimated savings of Russians from isolation during coronavirus

Experts have calculated how much the Russians are saving because of the isolation during the epidemic of the coronavirus. Data…

4 years ago

Therapist Kommunarka reported a mutation of the coronavirus

However, the young to get rid of it easier. During the existence of the coronavirus has mutated, now he is…

4 years ago

In Russia, the number of patients with coronavirus during the day, grew by 582 people

In recent days in Russia confirmed 582 cases of new coronavirus infection in 32 regions of the country. The total…

4 years ago

Resident of Ternopil were not allowed home husband, sick with coronavirus

Coronavirus has exposed a nasty side of the Ukrainian society, which before the time hiding behind the beautiful speeches of…

4 years ago

In Serbia arrived all 11 Russian aircraft to combat coronavirus

All 11 Russian military aircraft arrived in Serbia to help in the fight against coronavirus. As the press service of…

4 years ago

“He’s acting strange.” Biologist about the features of coronavirus.

Sonya Pitch – Czech molecular geneticist and virologist, head of the private lab Tilia Laboratoriesthat diagnosed one of the first…

4 years ago

In Roskoshestvo urged to abandon cash for coronavirus

Experts Roskoshestvo reminded that paper banknotes are one of the carriers COVID-19. In this regard, the Russians were encouraged to…

4 years ago