
Called a useful product that can protect against colon cancer

Scientists note that prunes contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that reduce oxidative stressIn experiments with mice, conducted by researchers from…

7 years ago

This fruit is able to protect from lung cancer

Scientists call the Mandarin - the most useful fruit, especially for smokers.Lung cancer more susceptible to other smokers, so the…

7 years ago

Named the previously unknown cause of cancer

Scientists have found another reason contributing to cancer.British scientists for several years conducted a study which tried to identify all…

7 years ago

Named exercise, better protect the human from cancer

Scientists have determined which class can bring people at risk of cancer.Researchers at the University of Colorado in boulder (Colorado,…

7 years ago

Scientists have proposed a new method of cancer treatment

Scientists from the U.S. have found a natural mechanism by which the human body can overcome the cancer cells.The researchers…

7 years ago

Named as one of the reasons for the emergence of aggressive cancer

Experts believe that sugar used by cancer cells contributes to the rapid growth and spread of the tumorScientists of the…

7 years ago

These products are able to beat cancer

The doctors called products, which have unusual properties.Latest medical studies have shown that these products, which we are presenting today…

7 years ago

Doctors called the vitamin that kills cancer cells in the intestine

The study is published in the journal Cell Biology International Higher doses of vitamins C and B3 is able to…

7 years ago

This popular porridge can protect the body from cancer

Oatmeal contains more beneficial dietary fiber than whole wheat bread.The "classic" oatmeal, that is welded from the oat grain and…

7 years ago

Published list of foods that prevents cancer

Six products that will save you from cancerOne of the most useful products that are useful in moderate doses, red…

7 years ago