
Russian demand for antidepressants surges

Demand for antidepressants in Russia has massively increased over the past six months, in what one psychiatrist has called a…

2 years ago

Antidepressants are an easy way out…for disinterested doctors and Big Pharma

Nearly one in five Americans take antidepressant drugs on a regular basis – a shocking figure when one considers the…

2 years ago

The number of children on antidepressants has soared. Is it a real crisis or one invented by psychiatrists seeking new patients?

The problem of mental health is fast becoming synonymous with childhood. Unfortunately, the medical establishment is more than happy to…

3 years ago

These affordable products are capable to replace antidepressants

It turns out that some food can easily become a worthy alternative to the calming pills.Emotional tension and stress can…

6 years ago

These products perform the role of natural antidepressants

Products antidepressant that will not harm the figure.Fruit is not only enjoyable, but also very healthy food.Thousands of nutritionists across…

7 years ago