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Strelkov-Girkin has told about Litvinsky lobby surrounded by Lukashenko

Стрелков-Гиркин рассказал о литвинском лобби в окружении Лукашенко

Ex-employee of FSB Igor Strelkov-Girkin remembered three-week internship in Minsk in 2005.

On a press-conferences in Samara the former Minister of defence self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic expressed concerns about the separation of Belarus from Russia, reported by “Politnavigator”. - услуги фрилансеров от 500 руб.

“In 2005-m to year, in the fall, right after subsequent his Chechen business trips I was sent on exchange — where the exchange was between them, our KGB and FSB, and there for three weeks I was on an internship in Minsk. During these three weeks I learned a lot of things and a lot of what I saw, and then it was only necessary to read and to grind the obtained information.

Already in Belarus was Litvinsky propaganda, very serious, on the Central TV channels. The thrust of this propaganda was very clearly visible, especially me as an expert. Support for this latinisation from the authorities was also visible to the naked eye. But of course, it was held gently. Surrounded by Lukashenko, there is a serious Litvinsky lobby, Pro-Western, which deals with ideology…

Those carefully, slowly to educate youth and society as a separatist from the main Russian ideas… the Emphasis was put on Polishness, the Western, catholicnet or Uniatism and “bloody tsarist regime, which brutally suppressed the uprising”,” — said Girkin.

According to Girkin, the escalation of the conflict in the Donbas occurred because his actions, when he led the militia in Slavyansk. Subsequently he was Minister of defence DND and the commander of its army, as well as one of the ideologists of the so-called new Russia. In Russia, it has the status of a military pensioner. Ukraine considers him a terrorist.

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