In connection with the carrying out of emergency recovery works disconnected from the gas supply 1,076 homes on 22 streets of Uzhgorod.
Tonight, March 3, as a result of unauthorized work on the street by Dmytro Dontsov was damaged medium pressure gas pipeline, causing part of Uzhgorod was left without gas supply, reports UNN, citing the press service of Uzhgorod city Council.
In connection with the carrying out of emergency recovery works from the gas supply turned off 1076 households on 22 streets of the regional center of the Transcarpathian region.
In particular, we are talking about the streets Sobranetskaya, Zagorsk, Pavlova, Tobacco, Nut, Dobrolyubova, Osipenko, Hankivsky, Shchedrin, Carpathian, Forest, night, Golden, Student embankment, and others. The gas company appealed to residents of these streets with a request to help specialists, providing admission to the premises when restoration of gas supply.
Gas supply will be restored roughly tomorrow, March 4.
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