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State of emergency in Poltava: the child broke his spine on a slide. Video

To look for blame in the injury of his daughter, her mother is now going through the courts.

While riding on a slide a compression fracture of the spine received a 4-year-old girl in Poltava. Now the child is in the hospital and the mother was going to sue, says the story TSN.19:30.

“Treated in our Department for a fracture of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae”, – commented the head of children’s ortopedo-the traumatologic branch of the Poltava city children’s hospital Gregory Baskin.

The slide, which played a Les, located in the courtyard of the flats. It is the newest, and now, according to his mother, the most dangerous on the court. After the descent from this slide it is important to immediately get on his feet, but the daughter did not have time and was seriously injured. The woman presumes that whoever installed the design did not adhere to safety standards. “Or should it be lower this slide or this slide at the correct angle set,” said the mother Elena Zaporojan.

The local housing office from the design on the Playground disown. “Those objects that are not with us on the balance – for which we assume no liability. This slide is, is the Humanities”, – said the Deputy head of the housing Department № 2 in Poltava Mikhail Lukin. The Humanities, the utility is called gifts of the candidates during the election campaigns – then waterslides in the city appeared like mushrooms after rain. Attempts to contact the patron and ask him proved futile as the attempt to obtain review of the city Council – there referred to the lack of on-site by specialists.

The Department of technical supervision of the local improvement is also from the hill denies – it says that the permission to installation of designs is not allowed. Although it is the local landscaping to blame for the inadequate control over the establishment of platforms – said the independent expert. “Must be antigene treatment: or sandy, or loose the special baby, or crush-proof rubber plate. Is it? No. The mayor has authority on landscaping, on there, in control. Who bore responsibility for the inadequate control? No. And all the salary received,” – commented on the incident, expert on public administration and urban planning at the National Academy under the President of Ukraine Viktor Gleb.

To look for blame in the injury of his daughter, her mother is now going through the courts. But to do this will be after the Les will be on his feet. Her doctors will be allowed not earlier than a month. Hillock where the injured child is to continue, it still amused the children. No warnings about the dangers beside her not to find.

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